Selasa, 28 November 2017

Indonesian Philosophy of Education

Every country has it's own philosophy related to how it runs the education system. Indonesia, which is the fourth largest populated country in the world, must assure that the education system is run excellently. This due to the fact that the future life of a country depends on how they prepare their young generations to be ready for facing the challenges of this era.
The first thing that we have to consider relating to education is the basic philosophy of education because this is the fundamental aspect to reach the goals of education. In Indonesia, we have our philosophy of education in form of three unique mottoes which derived from traditional values. These mottoes were established by our father of education that is Ki Hadjar Dewantara.


The first motto is "Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho" translated as "in the front I'm a role model". It means that when a teacher is in front of his students, he has to be a role model so that his students can copy his good characters such as integrity, honesty, forgiveness, generosity, politeness, etc.
The second motto is "Ing Madya Mbangun Karso" translated as "in the middle I initiate the will". It could be interpreted that when a teacher is beside his students, he acts as if he is their partners who together create the will to learn about new things. A peer is someone who is usually close to us, accepts us whatever we are like.
The third motto is "Tut Wuri Handayani" means "in the back I motivate". The meaning is when a teacher is behind his students, he motivates them and encourage them to be a smart, well-behaved, and skilled student. He pushes them to move forward and face what future brings.
Those three slogans are one of the most fundamental concept with regard to how to education in Indonesia must be run, especially related to the relationships between teachers and students at school.

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